"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." -Alexander Bell

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

About Me!

      Hello! As you can see by the title of my blog, my name is Katherine. I am a junior at Western Washington University. I am studying Elementary Education because it has always been my dream to be a teacher! College life for me right now is an experience! It is my first year living away from home (though I drive home most weekends...) and that has taken some getting used to! I have two sisters and being away from them has been a little lonely at times but I have wonderful roommates who make up for that. Some of my favorite things to do are going for runs around my beautiful college town, reading anything and everything by C.S. Lewis, frequenting cafes, and antiquing! 

      An average day for me would begin at 8:00am. I usually don't have class until 10 so I use the first hour and a half of the day getting ready for school, eating breakfast, and making sure I get my daily cup of coffee! I usually take the public bus to school because it costs less and drops me off right in front of the University. All of my classes are centered around Elementary Education so I won't go into much detail there. Once the quarter gets going I usually spend 2-3 hours a day doing homework which actually isn't so bad! This summer I got a job at the Fairhaven Toy Garden which is an educational toy store. I work there around 5 days a week and it is very fun and I learned how to juggle! I like to spend my evenings reading a good book, procrastinating on homework, and catching up with friends and family. 

      Below is a map of my hometown, Snohomish! 

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  1. Hi Ms. Katherine,

    I find you a really interesting person, you are very adventurous and seem like a very fun person! I hope you get appointed as a teacher and the students which will have you as their teacher will be really glad. Good luck being a teacher and I wish you the best in your life ahead!

    - Sweta Kotecha :)

  2. Hi Ms. Sweta!

    Thank you so much for your comment. It was fun to read what you had to say. What are you studying in school? I would love to hear about some of the adventurous things that you do!


  3. Hi Sweta!
    My name is Lindsay and I am Katherine's classmate and I just read Katherine's blog and your response! It would be amazing to learn more about you too, how old are you? Where do you go to school? What do you usually do on a normal day? Here in America we just had Thanksgiving, it's a holiday where we celebrate by eating a big meal and spend time with our families. Do you have any holidays like that?

  4. Hi Sweta!

    My name is Kelsey and I am also in Katherine's computer class. I just read your comment and you seem like such a nice person! What types of things do you enjoy doing? I love cooking, hanging out with friends, and playing sports like volleyball or basketball. Do you like sports or have a favorite food? I wish you the best of luck in everything you do!

