"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." -Alexander Bell

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Assistive Technology: Speaking Spelling Bee

Name of Assistive Technology:
The Franklin Speaking Spelling Bee

Category of AT:
The Spelling Bee works as a support in the areas of reading and writing. Using the Spelling Bee will help improve reading comprehension and vocabulary and also provide support in spelling, convention, and word choice.

Description of how the technology works:
The Spelling Bee allows users to practice reading and writing skills in a number of ways. Students can create an avatar for themselves and their friends and participate in a small Spelling Bee (students have the option of doing the spelling bee on their own). The Spelling Bee also has three games: Word Sudoku, Hangman and Word Train. All of these games help the students to practice their spelling skills. The Spelling Bee also has a Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Rhyming option. One of the coolest features is the “Confusables” tab where children are able to see what words they often confuse with others.

Universal Design Principles:
Universal design is a term used to describe technology that provides access for struggling students in a variety of modes. The Franklin Spelling Bee meets the following principles of Universal Design:
  • Representation of Information: Supports students with written and visual aids and offers many drill and practice activities and exercises to enhance learning.
  • Engagement in Learning: This assistive technology tool allows students to contribute learning community due to its “Spelling Competition” feature. Students are able to have a spelling bee with their classmates and take turns spelling words. This activity helps students learning new vocabulary, study for tests, and work with others.
  • Expression of Knowledge: Students are able to demonstrate their learning by using the Reading Timer feature. After practicing their reading, students will be able to time themselves while reading. Teachers can then monitor their progress as they improve on their speed, fluency and comprehension. The Word Bank is another great feature students can use to help them study for spelling tests. It allows the student to compile a list of words they are working on memorizing. Students can refer back to the list for definitions and then delete the words as they master them.
What types/groups of student would benefit from the Franklin Speaking Spelling Bee?

English Language Learners
  • ELL students would be able to consult the “dictionary” or “thesaurus” option for words they are unfamiliar with and play spelling games to enhance their fluency in an imaginative way.
Students with Learning Disabilities or students who need extra assistance
  •  Students who are struggling with word comprehension, spelling, and vocabulary would benefit from having the Spelling Bee. As for the ELL students, the dictionary, thesaurus and games offer many simple ways to enhance their literacy skills
Students may need a few tutorials from the teacher before feeling comfortable using all of the features on their own. However, it is fairly straightforward and would be easy to learn!

The Speaking Spelling Bee is a fun and easy way to support learning for struggling students! Or any student for that matter. Its many games and features make it a useful tool for elementary age students. I would recommend using it as an accommodation for students who need extra practice with spelling, vocabulary and fluency.


  1. I think this would make a great resource for many students. I like the feature of creating an avatar and having your own spelling bee. Also, I think this device could motivate some students to practice their spelling because it looks like a gaming device and looks much more exciting than cracking open a dictionary or thesaurus. I also like the "Word Bank" feature, which makes this device much more custom and useful for the student. I can see how it would help students who are learning the language, as well for students with learning disabilities.

  2. I love how accessible this tool is to all students. This would be helpful for any student to use when they get writers block and need a ready-to-use and easy tool. Is this a AT that a few students could use at one time or is it more designed for individual use? ALso I love the rhyming feature! This rhyming concept can be very difficult for some students to wrap thier head around and this AT could really benefit them.
